Wednesday, October 31, 2012

NFLX 3pm EDT BO 2 days iar


WU Western Union

splike down, mmt, 3:10-3:15pm fake bo with huge down volume when BO failed.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NYSE Arca Disk Drive Index ($DDX)

The NYSE Arca Disk Drive Index (DDX) is an equal-dollar weighted index designed to measure the performance of a cross section of companies active in designing and manufacturing electronic data storage devices for computers, as well as software that helps computers interface with those devices. The DDX Index was established with a benchmark value of 200.00 on November 15, 1996. The DDX Index is rebalanced quarterly based on closing prices on the third Friday in February, May, August & November to ensure that each component stock continues to represent approximately equal weight in the index.


There’s no good and tradable ETP at the moment.  SSDD (ETN) is very thin.

Morgan Stanley Cyclical Index

Morgan Stanley Cyclical Index

The Morgan Stanley Cyclical Index (CYC) is an equal-dollar weighted index designed to measure the performance of economically sensitive industries within the U.S. economy and detect shifts in investor sentiment. The CYC Index comprises 30 stocks from over 25 industries, including automobiles, metals, papers, machinery, chemicals and transportation. The CYC Index was established with a benchmark value of 200.00 on December 31, 1991. To ensure that each component stock continues to represent approximately equal weight in the Index, adjustments are made annually, based on closing prices on the third Friday in December.


唐炜臻被判诈骗罪名成立 萧红黯然泪下(图)

北美在线(NAOL.CA): 陪审团裁决唐炜臻诈骗罪名成立,唐炜臻表示会上诉。
加国无忧萧山报道,多伦多金融投资顾问唐炜臻被控刑事诈骗罪一案﹐控﹑辩双方昨日向陪审团作出结案陈词。主审法官奥玛拉(Alfred O'Marra)今天上午对12名陪审团成员提供判决指示后﹐陪审团经过几个小时的闭门讨论,于下午3点左右做出裁决,裁定唐炜臻一项诈骗投资者超过2000万元的罪名成立。









Thursday, October 25, 2012

IB Pages Maintenance: Sector, Geo



Use Import/Export Contract feature.

Need a earning season calendar to remind important dates

I missed GOOG’s and FB’s, almost missed PG’s.   Unaware of  AAPL’s is today after close.  I need a tool to remind myself.

At Oct 25 market closed, Oct 26, 615 straddle is $31.75.  Nov 2, 615 straddle is $36.58. 

At Oct 26 market opened, Oct 26, 615 straddle is $8.38.  Nov 2, 615 straddle is $21.01.  Volatility collapsed!



I made $1 in after hour trade.



P&G Bull Call Spread +45% in 4 trading days


April 2013 $1.63 only and wide bid/ask spread. 


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Year End Radar Reference Table Maintenance – Identify Trading Holidays, find the trading holidays

All Markets, All Years (to 2022)

image image

Special Stock Market Holiday Rules

There are a few special rules that apply to stock market holidays:

  • Although the day after Thanksgiving (Friday) is not an official holiday, the market has a tradition of closing at 1:00 p.m. ET.
  • When any stock market holiday falls on a Saturday, the market will be closed on the previous day (Friday) unless the Friday is the end of a monthly or yearly accounting period.
  • When any stock market holiday falls on a Sunday, the market will be closed the next day (Monday).

Some market holidays are observed on different dates each year:

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is always observed on the third Monday in January.
  • President's Day is always observed on the third Monday in February.
  • Memorial Day is always observed on the last Monday in May

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

<<the misbehavior of markets>> by Mandelbrot and Hudson


5 rules of market behaviors:

1) Market are risky; 2) Trouble runs in streaks; 3) Markets have a personality; 4) Markets mislead. Patterns are the fool’s gold of financial markets.  The power of chance suffices to create spurious patterns and pseudo-cycles that, for all the world, appear predictable and bankable.  They would fool any professional “chartist.” Likewise, bubbles and crashes are inherent to markets.  They are the inevitable consequence of the human need to find patterns in the patternless.  5) Market time is relative.  “Trading time” is quite distinct from the linear “clock time”.  This trading time speeds up the clock in periods of high volatility, and slows it down in periods of stability. 

10 Heresies of Finance

  1. Markets are turbulent.
  2. Markets are very, very risky – more risky than the standard theories imagine.   It’s hard to predict, harder to protect against, hardest of all to engineer and profit from.  The Wall Street mantra is asset allocation.  It’s far more important than the specific stocks or bonds you pick.  25% cash, 30% bonds, and 45% stocks.
  3. Market “timing” matters greatly.   Big gains and losses concentrate into small packages of time.  From 1986 to 2003, USD descent against JPY.  Nearly half that decline occurred on just 10 out of those 4695 trading days.  46% of the damage to USD investors happened on 0.21% of the days.  In the 1980’s SP500, 40% of positive returns came during 10 days – about 0.5% of the time.
  4. Prices often leap, not glide.  That adds to the risk.  The result is a far-wilder distribution of price changes: not just price movements, but price dislocations.
  5. In markets, time is flexible. 
  6. Markets in all places and ages work alike.
  7. Markets are inherently uncertain, and bubbles are inevitable.  Parable: Land of Ten Thousand Lakes.  Explorers = investors, fogs = the limits of our knowledge, lakes = prices of 10,000 different securities. 
  8. Markets are deceptive.  Chance alone can produce deceptive convincing patterns.
  9. Forecasting prices may be perilous, but you can estimate the odds of future volatility.  Random Walk model’s first claim is the so-called martingale condition: your best guess of tomorrow’s price is today’s price.  It helps in an intuitive way to explain why we so often guess the market wrong.  Markets can exhibit dependence without correlation.  The key to this paradox lies in the distinction between the size and the direction of price changes.  A 10% fall yesterday may well increase the odds of another 10% move today – but provide no advance way of telling whether it will be up or down.  Large price changes tend to be followed by more large changes, positive or negative.  Small changes tend to be followed by more small changes.  Volatility clusters.
  10. In financial markets, the idea of “value” has limited value.  How, you ask, does one survive in such an existentialist world, a world without absolutes?  People do it rather well all the time.  The prime mover in a financial market is not value or price, but price differences; not averaging, but arbitraging.  People arbitrage between places and times.  Between places: driving used convertible to California to sell dear.  Between times: Scalping. 

Olsen “We literally know nothing about how economics works.”

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